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¡¡¡ Ya están aquí las Letras de Cartón Oh! Naif !!! y un poquito de inspiración para decorarlas

The Cardboard Letters are here Oh! Naif !!! and a little inspiration to decorate them

You will be able to find the complete alphabet and ampersand (&), in addition to the numbers from 0 to 9 in two different sizes.

The large ones measure 17.78 x 5.58 cm and the small ones 10.16 x 3.05 cm in order to adapt them to your needs.

Clicking here you can find them all! And if you keep reading we give you ideas on how you can decorate them.

These letters are very versatile and we can use them on countless occasions and celebrations, either as decoration or as a gift.

We craft lovers love to modify and customize everything, so using them is a sure bet!

As soon as they came into our hands, we began to try various ways of decorating them and soon we will show you through our social networks such as Facebook , Instagram and Pinterest how they turned out.

In the meantime, we leave you with some inspiration that we found on the net and we think it's great!

1.- Painted letters that serve as a vase , don't you think it's a most original idea?
2.-Letters with silk paper, we think it is a very sweet and delicate option that always looks good.
3.- Glitter letters , perfect to animate the celebrations
4.- Letters lined with fabric , this furry option has made us fall in love
5.- Letter with flowers , simple to make, very sweet and elegant. It's perfect!

This has been our top 5 decorated letters , we all like them for how original and simple they are to do.

Until next week! And you already know that you can find everything you need for your crafts at Oh! naive


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